Generally we mention retail prices on our pages and site however, we do offer wholesale to our local and international customers worldwide. Wholesale price and special discounts always depend upon quantity required. Our customers are generating handsome revenues from this business just from their Homes, Shops, small and huge Boutiques as well. We do supply only reliable dresses with workable fabulous designs and competent prices those are well marginal and quite easy to sell. Moreover, we do support them with promotional material including model pics and dress images, pamphlets and leaflets etc. If you are new and planning to start this business, we can guide you step by step throughout the process and till you start generating enquiries.
We do also have a special team of stitching professionals those tailor your sewing/stitching requisites in superb quality and timely manner. Especially on festivals, we offer discounts and have a special setup to meet your bulk requirements however, we appreciate your bookings well before festivals approaching to avoid delay and for better management.
Please feel free to drop up an email at [email protected], call us or leave whatsapp/viber message to 00923368463801 which is dedicated 24/7 support.
Delivering Worldwide – Pakistan | India | USA | Canada | UK | Europe | Australia | Africa | Middle East | Far East | Russia